Welcome to Tutka Bay Lodge Workshop

Dear Poets and Memoirists,
We're about to spend a long weekend together in one of the most beautiful places in North America! I'm very much looking forward to this workshop, as you are a most eclectic group of poets and writers, and many of you work in more than one genre.
We'll have a lovely weekend of writing, forest exploration, solitude and community (and the food, as some of you may already know) is out of this world.
To enhance our experience, I am developing this blog. The "pages" to your right open onto documents, readings, and exercises we will be doing during our time together. You may want to print this material and bring it with you, and our access to the blog during our Tutka Bay time may be dicey. I intend to leave the blog open after our time together so that we may continue to stay in touch and share our work.
So bring some work with you, and your notebooks and/or laptops and perhaps a flashdrive so we can share work.
This blog will be private and open only to participants and some staff members of the Tutka Bay Lodge, so anything you post here won't be shared with the whole world.

I'll see you on September 3rd!
Best wishes,

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Post Tutka Bay

Dear most wonderful workshop,
     We saw two orcas from the water taxi on the way to Homer-- a wonderful sign! I wanted to thank you all for those wonderful days together. Now that I'm back int he fray of school, it so helps to feel that community that we were still with me, and the silence of the forest, and the eagles, and the soul-uplifting beauty of Tutka Bay.
      I'm in the midst of preparing (intensely) for the James Baldwin tribute tomorrow, but after that, I will begin posting photos and responses and all else to the blog and also making our group email list. I hope you'll forgive the delay.
    Let's stay here together...
Best wishes,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ode to Tutka Bay

O, Tutka Bay, you give us silence
and the opposite of silence:
Seashells turning eager ears toward
their teacher, the deep and brilliant sea.
Rain investigating pine needles
all night long with millions of miniature
magnifying glasses. Mosses drinking dew
with countless tongues. Mountains
like elephants, remembering
everything. This is what you give:
A yellow moon, almost full, holding
its pitted face up to the dark side of the earth,
the earth tipping its white hat to the sun
just long enough to show its hand
of Northern Lights arcing across
the whole dome of the sky
yet leaving space enough between the lines
for a tub overflowing with bioluminescent
poets, each in his or her own way,
composing odes to Tutka Bay.

                        —Dinah Berland

Questions About Form: Elegy, Ekphrasis, Larry Levis

The various topics and exercises posted by Carolyn before we met, appearing on the right side as a list of Pages, are obviously in no way intended to be rigid or exhaustive.  That said, as I read through them, I was wondering about the value of trying to write to a particular form or theme, to be part of that particular tradition or community, or for any other reason—as opposed to simply writing without concern for the “constraints” of such guides and prompts.
As an example, when I read the amazing Larry Levis poem, “Sensationalism,” posted on the Ekphrasis page, I was reminded of a poem I wrote (“Study in Subordination”)  some years back after reading a collection of Levis’s work (I think it was The Selected Levis).  I am setting it out below just to better illustrate my question.  If I were trying to fit my poem into a category, I suppose it comes closest to ekphrasis (broadly construed, written in response to, or at least in the wake of reading, a collection of his poetry, and no one poem in particular).  I don’t think that I consciously thought of it this way when I wrote it, and I suspect it would need something more or different to really “qualify” as ekphrastic, assuming there is some reason to have such a goal.  
My question really is prompted by the mental leap, the association, I made reading the Levis poem on the “Ekphrastic Poem” page shortly before reading Carolyn’s  “Poets Mourning Poets” Page.  Levis died in 1996, well before I wrote my poem.  I could as well have written Study in Subordination as an elegy (perhaps I should say, more overtly as an elegy, as I suppose it has elements or hints of the elegiac).  Maybe I would have been influenced to do so had I read Carolyn’s post of Casey Cep’s “Poets Mourning Poets” before I wrote it.
The question I am throwing out is:  Should I have?  Setting aside questions of how well I might have pulled it off, or of the merits of what I actually did write—or lack thereof—would there be some inherent value in approaching this poem with the clear intent to write an elegy?  Would it be more meaningful?  More likely to have a life (if it ever left my drawer)?  More of a contribution to some tradition we might like to feel part of as poets?  Would it (potentially) be more likely to be better as an obvious elegy, or, for that matter, if it were more consciously and clearly ekphrastic, rather than something that is neither, or hybrid? Would it be good to revise it in one clear direction or the other?
I am not looking for a critique of a particular poem (though I am always happy to hear how others respond, and have thick skin).  My aim is really to have a small discussion about the larger questions prompted by the juxtaposition of categories, themes, and forms in our Blog Pages, and what virtues there may be in being intentional about writing toward these, as opposed to giving the creative process free rein, and finding that we have become part of one of these formal traditions more serendipitously (and therefore probably less completely or “successfully”), or that we have not written something more formally identifiable.

Study in Subordination

The poetry of Larry Levis is laden
with subordinate clauses, hanging like
pregnant clusters on málaga vines
that don’t know if they’ll end up wine
or raisins, not that either is inherently
better, it just is, or isn’t,
each is other, and neither, and it

doesn’t matter, unless, maybe you
are Caravaggio, looking for diversion
from painting thieves and saints, John
the Baptist—or John in the Wilderness,
as if that body would be any less, stripped
of its name or given another
capriciously, not malevolently,
to see if names mattered—or
an apostle, incredulous and faithful,
timidly probing with his apologetic
finger into a flap of skin in the living
reliquary of Christ’s torso—presumably
a souvenir left the Friday before
by a centurion’s lance—trying to divine
the line between quick and dead, and

you think maybe you’ll switch to fruits
today, a boy with a basket of fruit to be
precise, muscular shoulder, clavicle and
neck forming an intriguing delta and peaches
you’d like to sink your beard and tongue
into, in which case you might care
if they are grapes or raisins, since raisins
won’t show up as well in a basket of painted fruit,
which already has to compete with that look
on the young boy’s face that leaves us
wondering what he and Caravaggio do
after he sets his basket down for the day,
the newest oils quieting upon the canvas, or

like—hang with me here, still in similes
for Levis-like subordinate clauses—
death, insinuating itself between each
breathing in and exhalation and in
interstices between words, between
the letters of each word, black ink soiling
yet defining the snowy solitude of each
page, as several cousins, half
the neighbors, a snare drummer and
the odd horn player line the edges
of the field, wetting their pantlegs
in the dewy night grass, spooking
the piebald mare grazing the next pasture,
headlights of their tractors and pickups
illuminating hardening furrows of
freshly disced topsoil and a final
father-son outing, a cosmic game
of rocks, scissors, paper—words cutting
snowflake patterns in folds of death,
driven snow filling chiseled epitaphs,
ashes of redoubtable death covering both
anxious snow and trembling words
like a thin down comforter.

“Housekeeping” Details

  If anyone who wants to continue discussions from Tutka Bay on the blog hasn’t discovered this yet, there is a place at the very bottom of the Home page for the blog that says, “Follow by Email,” which allows you to get a daily notification of any new blogposts.
  Does anyone with more blog experience have any tips on how to format your posts to maintain formatting—and more specifically, to maintain original line breaks in poems (to avoid having longer lines broken in ways you weren’t expecting or wanting)?
•  Does anyone know what the screen does that comes up after you hit "Publish" for a new post--the one that says something about sharing on Google+?  Does it publish your post to some larger group, beyond the Tutka Bay Retreat participants?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Le Jour Bleu

In this day hovering between the magic of Tutka Bay and the reality of returning home, I’m grateful for the experience you all made possible.  Thanks.  I am not (at least haven’t been) a blogger but I want to do my part to keep this experience going, so I’ll start with a post that several of you requested, including Carolyn.  (As with the rest of our posts, my understanding is that none of our poems or other contributions to these pages will be re-published beyond the group without the OK of the contributor.)


 L’heure Indigo

             an epistolary ekphrastic expiation

Tutka Bay Lodge
September 7, 2014

Dear Carolyn,

Already … one word in and I know that I cannot do justice to the
Blue Hour in 26 lines, even having waited diligently to begin
Composing the music, forestalling the generative impulses til
Darkness and dawn are deep in their moonlit embrace, and
Ekphrasis is free to traipse about the boardwalks unmolested,
Free to admire and choose her scaffolding under the Tutkan moon,
Growing with confidence as she weaves with each ebb and flood,
Hews and sculpts, the spillage floating like bull kelp in a sea of words.
I know already that my attempt will not be adequate, and not
Just as Kim Jong-il was inadequate, as Bush and Benedict were inadequate, but
Keeping faith with the harlequin winging through black night, I will leave
Lit the invisible porch light of my mind, concede the productive physics of fear.
My verse is a dingy built for two
Not the Starship Enterprise, venturing where no abecedarian on Earth has,
Only trés jolie, sans sound or fury signifying anything cosmic or importante.
Perhaps it is that I am still transfixed by the luminosity of tiny flagellates,
Quite unable yet to trust sense beyond senses, my aim too pedestrian or Spartan, I
Realize now I want to walk across the bay, awash in golden light, leaving no ripples,
Still, not escaping or avoiding or even just enduring the during of the world.
These are the last moments before the sound of lines becomes the silence between.
Until then, I will hover, revel, in this stillpoint mist, and know that
Very soon I will, yes, seek communion one last time, anaphorically speaking, and yes
While I prepare to break fast with, yes, seedcakes and herbed eggs, as I pull on my           
X-tra Tuffs, venture into the world of moonjellies and seals and puffins, and
Yes, poets, I pray secretly that I will not be judged, from inside or out, a total
Zilch, a zed, only entirely inadequate to the subject I had announced.

Ekphrastically, ephemerally yours,


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

En route

Dear Tutka Bay Workshop participants,
    I'm bringing with me hard-copy packets of the the materials posted to the blog, just in case some of you were unable to print them (and for those who were unable to join us here for one reason or another).  The packets are in my checked bag, so fingers crossed! I'm about to board for Anchorage and Homer and am very excited.
Best wishes,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Dear Tutka Bay Lodge workshop,
    Please bring  poems with you and/or a few pages of prose to share with the group. You may also want to bring a favorite poem by another poet, or a favorite passage of prose. Also please bring a book of contemporary poetry to share with others. We'll have various times to exchange these books, so you'll have some wonderful (and unexpected) reading material while you are at the lodge. And do introduce yourselves here!
If one of you begins by starting a post, the others can "comment," adding your own introductions.
Best wishes,

Monday, August 25, 2014

Some thoughts from Risset

Here is something I'd like to share:

I think a poet's focus is not quite what a fiction writer's is, it's not so fixed on the world outside. It's fixed on that area where inside meets the outside, where the poet's sensibility meets the weather, meets the street, meets other people, instances, when the barriers of identity are lifted and there is a break, during which time such instances present themselves, completely, mysteriously, enigmatically interconnected but all the while disconnected from the web, this characteristic requiring them, at the same time, to be elucidated.

            In order to characterize these instances the two aspects are necessary—that is, a separate, liberated instant and its elucidation that allow one to think one is outside of time, rather like those moments Proust describes in Remembrance of Things Past. . . .One can say as much for Proust as for Georges Bataille: both conceived of literature as a possibility of exploring those strange moments.  Musil calls them “the other state,” that is, something that truly belongs to another logic, another time.”  

Jacqueline Risset

Welcome and introductions

Dear Tutka Bay Lodge Workshop participants,
    Please bring a poem or two with you, or a few pages of your memoir writing to share with the group, and so introduce yourselves (in advance) by "commenting" on this post. You do that by clicking on "no comment" or later, the "comments" button below this message.
Very best,
Carolyn Forché